I was born and raised DHAJJA [ dah - jha ] , youre probably not gonna pronounce it correctly soooo eff it BUT yeah I'm pretty much the girl who outgrew her dolls and grew up even faster but that's life. Ive learned sometimes you have to GROW up to KEEP up in this world. Nowadays im [ 19 ] years young or old depending on ur view of things. Im not quite the wild child but im far from debbie downer. I would like to be a publicist or a editor at a fashion magazine but who knows, I d*mn sure don't but that's the fun of life ; you never know what your in for. Which reminds me, there's no particular theme here on [ The Hiatus ], but I tend to think whatever I may talk about everyone can take something from it , if im wrong shoot me ! but as for the rest of me or who I am, just keep reading . . .