
Kat Stacks

When spanish hoodrat Kat Stacks first entered the celeb scene , I entertained her tweets and even a few WSHH videos but after a while i got tired of her aggy ass voice and she just got old. It was evident that all she was ever going to be was a Super Head at the bottom of the totem pole. However, earlier this week I was listenin to Hot 97 and they were talking about a new video that showed Kat Stacks in Soulja Boy's hotel...what got my attention was that Kat was calling Soulja a coke head. After the video was released, the only thing Soulja Boy had to say was that God knows that he dnt do coke & thas all that matters. It is clear as day that it was Kat in the video and that there was coke on the table..make ur own assumptions from there. & if you havent seen the video, it is at the bottom of this post.

I brought up this lil story because the fact that Soulja Boy was/is even messin with Kat knowin her background raised a question in itself...Why are people still messin with her ?! I can tell you one thing, no matter how good or holy a person is...there is excitement in taboo things. Kat's exposing drunken hoodrat asss is so bad for you, that you want a piece. Then there is also the male concept that if all the homies got some, why shouldnt I ? Yes its stupid and could end up in drama but  most ppl are sayin fuck it anyways. & in the PR world, there is no such thing as bad press. So if Kat wants to expose them then thats only bringing them more attention and celebs are based on attention anyways. To the everyday person like myself this is very stupid but I also know that everyday people take part in taboo activities all the time like sleeping with a teacher or a coworker, it is just at a different extreme when ur well known because everyone is watching. 

If youre still interested in all her nonsense, follow her on twitter, visit her website, and check WSHH frequently. Here is her most recent video that includes Soulja Boy: