
How NOT to lose to 2K11

Ever since 2K11 dropped the other week, it's all the male population has been talking about. Unfortunately, this has left most females in the dark and the butt of many jokes. Well here's a few tips on how to keep your relationship during this hype.

1. Entertain him....dont bitch and moan about how you guys aren't spending time together or how hes too into the game...try playing with him ! I'm pretty sure you've dragged him to the mall or to see some chick flick before, so just as he makes attempts to have an interest in your interest, you should do the same.

2.  YOU time..take this time to hang with your girls or catch up on some reading...SOMETHING. It's always good to have a life outside your relations.

3. Give him S P A C E this goes hand and hand with tip #2. In some cases, guys like to have their guy thing and don't necessarily want their gf to intrude. So while you're out doing girl things, hes playing 2K..you both win. Just make sure you're there to lessen the blow when he loses to his best friend lol :)