The uncensored [ & ] unsupervised way of letting you in on the parts of me Ive discovered [ & ] the rest im trying to find . Sh*t i may even help you find a lil piece of yourself while im at it . . *kanye shrug*
Clarks x Concepts

Bums On the Rise .
Every neighborhood has that one infamous bum, some might even have more than one, that everyone knows. Back home we got Shakey, The Cowboy guy, and the man who dresses up in all different costumes and sits on the bench in Grove Hall. A few of these bums are quite the entertainers, making it to you tube videos. One of my favorite youtube videos is the Notorious B.U.M that features a bum named J-Slash from Houston. Apparently, there's another youtube favorite name Red, a beatboxin machine who came up with his own song called "Call Yo Momma on Ya." I watched this video for the first time today and for someone on the st he went in lol, Fortunately, im not the only person who thought Reds lil song was hot, word is that Camron brought the rights to the song and made his own version. Cams version features a sample from Red and versus from Snoop and Jim. In fact, now that Red's song has blown up, Cam is hoping that Red appears so that he could get his money.
To hear & download Cam's new song [Click Here] .
Here's J-Slash and Red's debut youtube videos.
To hear & download Cam's new song [Click Here] .
Here's J-Slash and Red's debut youtube videos.
Kat Stacks

I brought up this lil story because the fact that Soulja Boy was/is even messin with Kat knowin her background raised a question in itself...Why are people still messin with her ?! I can tell you one thing, no matter how good or holy a person is...there is excitement in taboo things. Kat's exposing drunken hoodrat asss is so bad for you, that you want a piece. Then there is also the male concept that if all the homies got some, why shouldnt I ? Yes its stupid and could end up in drama but most ppl are sayin fuck it anyways. & in the PR world, there is no such thing as bad press. So if Kat wants to expose them then thats only bringing them more attention and celebs are based on attention anyways. To the everyday person like myself this is very stupid but I also know that everyday people take part in taboo activities all the time like sleeping with a teacher or a coworker, it is just at a different extreme when ur well known because everyone is watching.
If youre still interested in all her nonsense, follow her on twitter, visit her website, and check WSHH frequently. Here is her most recent video that includes Soulja Boy:
I happen to get on facebook today to see that two of my friends posted the same link. I watched the video for 1 minute and my mouth was open in disbelief the entire time. All i can say is watch for yourself smfh .
Click Here For Fckery
Click Here For Fckery
Friend of a Friend
Personally, Ive never been the type to blow up someone else's phone looking for my significant other or cursing out their friend because my bf chose to go out with them. So when I came across a fb status that revolved around that, it kinda made me cringe. Now i know the guys that are reading this who have been that friend is like yess i know exactly what ur talking about but I know theres ladies that are reading and are doing one of two things: 1. Theyre like me, and feel that girls shouldnt do that or 2. Theyre saying eff that, the friend is supposed to be looking out for me etc. Well if any girls are agreeing with #2 then idk how yall keep a guy and i dnt get how that guy keeps his friends.
Theres absolutely nothing wrong with getting to know your companion's friends and having their number for back up...or even giving them the "lookout for my bf" speech BUT there is a thin line. If ur feeling a way about ur gf/bf going somewhere then u speak to ur gf/bf...and sometimes it is good to vent to their friend bcus theyre likely to listen to them BUT it is NEVER good to overwhelm their friend. The friend is just a friend, they don't deserve the backlash of your argument or issues. & Honestly, that friend probably wouldnt even want to look out for you because youve pressed them in the past or just have a bad attitude. So at the end of the day, placing your burdens on your other half's friends gets you nowhere and its only makes you look crazy !
Theres absolutely nothing wrong with getting to know your companion's friends and having their number for back up...or even giving them the "lookout for my bf" speech BUT there is a thin line. If ur feeling a way about ur gf/bf going somewhere then u speak to ur gf/bf...and sometimes it is good to vent to their friend bcus theyre likely to listen to them BUT it is NEVER good to overwhelm their friend. The friend is just a friend, they don't deserve the backlash of your argument or issues. & Honestly, that friend probably wouldnt even want to look out for you because youve pressed them in the past or just have a bad attitude. So at the end of the day, placing your burdens on your other half's friends gets you nowhere and its only makes you look crazy !
Take Off .
I am officially back in NY and although it has only been two days....these two days damn near beat half of my summer...(sad sh*t i know lol) but all jokes aside im really excited about this school year. I was smokin around campus with my boyfriend and he just randomly asked me if im ready for this year..at first i was like duhh why else wld i have moved in early but then he put all my goals into perspective....& I must say I do have a lot that I want to accomplish this year like making deans list, finding an apartment, continuing my PR work with CLE, and much more. Ive always been a humble person, even at an early age but this summer I really realized a LOT; about myself and others. Now im not gonna sit here and act all holy and such...i am a 19 yr old college student so of course theres plenty of partying and bullsh*ttin that will go on but im also a mature young adult that knows none of that is going anywhere, it'll always be there....Whereas opportunities to reach your goals and do what you need to do...wont. So if i learned anything freshman year it was definitely time management. This post officially is the launch of my Hiatus...
Quote Me On This
Cant say im in the mood to really say much but Ive run into several tweets that spoke to me so heres a few of em.
@threeEPICstacks "I only apologize for hurting your feelings....never for what I said. I care about your feelings, not if you didnt like what I said."
--I love this cause i always tell ppl dnt apologize for what u said, u said it for a reason
@iLikeDatDerEPIC "I know some of yalls parents are yalls "best friend" thas cool n I respect it. But mine was my mother. And I love that."
--My mothers old school, shes my mother 1st everythin else after. Good to know im not the only one.
@cYrohaZe "1.4 million people have be unemployed for 99 weeks....thats almost 2 years!!"
--Really puts things into perspective huh ?
ps. I dont know about yall but the "favorite" button comes in handy !
@threeEPICstacks "I only apologize for hurting your feelings....never for what I said. I care about your feelings, not if you didnt like what I said."
--I love this cause i always tell ppl dnt apologize for what u said, u said it for a reason
@iLikeDatDerEPIC "I know some of yalls parents are yalls "best friend" thas cool n I respect it. But mine was my mother. And I love that."
--My mothers old school, shes my mother 1st everythin else after. Good to know im not the only one.
@cYrohaZe "1.4 million people have be unemployed for 99 weeks....thats almost 2 years!!"
--Really puts things into perspective huh ?
ps. I dont know about yall but the "favorite" button comes in handy !
Pink Friday
For all you barbies and kens out there...I know yall are anticipating Nicki's debut LP titled Pink Friday. Well, you guys arent the only ones. I was reading a few articles that were praising Nicki for her success but also raised a few questions. Now we all know Nicki Minaj has come along way, from looks to rhymes, she's very commercial. One thing about the industry is that they try to commercialize you as much as they can because it not only makes the artist and them more money but it opens up more doors. If youve been a Nicki fan since the wet and wavey weave to the Dr Jay ads then you will understand exactly what im about to say. IDC what anyone says, the old hip hop Nicki was better from Sunshine to Itty Bitty Piggy. Dont get me wrong this Nicki now with her alter ego and crazy voices is very entertaining but like the articles expressed, I too feel as though thats not who we were introduced to. The commericalized Nicki has been able to crossover into other genres like pop earlier than most artist. This is a great accomplishment but im worried that she will get caught up and forget about her true fan base. "Your Love" has been at the top of the charts for weeks now and thats because anyone can listen to it. I hope that Pink Friday will do decent but most of all, that she has tracks on there go hard. Since her big come up and debut, the only songs ive felt she was the Nicki I knew was on the All I Do Is Win Rmx and Up All Night..none of which were HER songs. All in all, im very interested in seeing what she will do next and I will continue to give her props but I hope she delivers a few hits for hip hop.
For the full article click [ here ]
For the full article click [ here ]
Power Remix
This morning at like 12/1 am Kanye released the Power Rmx on twitter. Right off the bat, my friends were talking about it...a lot mixed reviews. It wasnt until this afternoon that I was able to listen for myself. Needless to say, it wasnt that serious. The track didnt blow me away til the beat change and Ye started going in and switched up his flow. The rest of it couldve been on the original version. I feel like if he was going to make a remix, then he shoulda had someone other than Jay on it because thats nothing new. He coulda threw someone else on there that we didnt expect or he hasnt worked with a lot which is usually the pt of a remix..to awe your listeners. Jay had some good lines but nothing he said awe'd me yet Jay on Ushers new track got my full attention...it was outside Ushers norm....Get the picture? A few people were even sayin havin Swizz on it wasnt a good choice..I disagree. Once again it wasnt that serious...Swizz did exactly what hes put on a track to do. Now do I think it was a necessity? No but it didnt make or break the record how some people were acting. Welp thas my opinion, if you dont already have your own take a listen.
[ RMX Here ]
[ RMX Here ]
Stalker Much ?
Apparently there's this new social network thing called Foursquare where you can basically tell everyone where you are BUT instead of just posting a status...you have to actually find the place you are in the listings and "check in". & for those fronters out there...you actually have to be there to check in. Now why am I bringing this up ? Well apparently Facebook is hopping on this trend. First Facebook added the Twitter like feature where u could tag a friend in your status now theyre adding the location part. Pretty soon Fb users will be able to "check in" to places and it will appear in their friends newsfeed. This all sounded decent when I was reading the yahoo article until they mentioned that other people can check you in. So for those of you that be saying youre here but are really elsewhere this could obviously backfire...someone youre with can casually "check you in" saying that youre together but whose to say you wanted people to know. Its all a bit much...fortunately, you can opt out if you change your privacy settings by un-checking enable and switching to disable. Facebook hasnt made this option available to every user yet but it will soon. If you ask me, this a is just another way social networking can be used negatively which is y ive never been a fan of ppl linkin their locations at the end of their tweets (blackberry users) BUT if this is somethin ur into download the foursquare app on ur phone.
For the actual article click here
For the actual article click here
Trouble, Trouble
I thought I was done postin for the next few days BUT too many references to the Players Club and stripping were brought up today, it was a sign lol. The Players Club is one of my favorite movies, it came out in 1998 and i was only 12 but best believe I knew every line and i know I wasnt the only one. It wouldnt be right if I didnt post some of most infamous lines
" Make the money, don't let it make you." _ Diamond .
"Comin' to the stage now is a woman who's been in the game since Kunta Kente was big ballin' & shot callin'. They say tricks are for kids and she got four of them mother fuckers! Let's give it up for 'Trix'!" _Blue (lmao)
Yall aint shit. Your mamas aint shit and your babies aint gonna be shit.
Fuck you with a... a sick dick.
_Trix (her hoe a$$ lol)
True Life .
At this very moment my mother is on 3 way [muted] with her cousin in Cali and Nas...yes like the ETHER Nas lol. A few minutes ago she put them on speakerphone so I could really hear it was him and boy did his voice throw me off. The conversation itself is a personal one so I cant record or anything but out of the few pieces of convo I heard this stuck out to me the most. .
" You's a snake of all trades " _ Nas 8.16.10 @ 11:24I think we all can relate to that friendorfoe whos known for all kinds of snakin. We keep those kind close, gotta keep an eye on the grass .
Gucci's newest mixtape venture, Jewelry Selection hosted by Dj Holiday was released on live mixtapes today at 10:17 pm. I dont know if everything on here is brand new BUT there are some recents and hits. If youre a Gucci fan like me then make sure you hit live mixtapes and downloaaaad.
x, [ Download Me ]
x, [ Download Me ]
Remy Ma
While everyone is busy saying #FreeWeezy im sayin #FreeRem ! Dont get me wrong ima Lil Wayne fan but he's barely giving us a chance to miss him, its like hes still out here living thru his music...I mean this man got videos, songs, and even features on a few tracks but all we heard from Rem was a 2 part interview on WSHH back in May and just recently her verse on Bucket Naked. When I posted the Keys & Shy beef, it made me think of Rem, a real female MC I respect and like. So in her honor here's her most recent freestyle on pt 2 of her interview. It may be a few months old but its all I have to hold onto right now. #FREE REMY MA
Female Fckery
I know yall seen the you tube video from the random ass girl named Keys from Baltimore comin for Nicki a few months ago, hell even my mother seen it and knew a few lines lol .Well anyway, apparently Keys now has someone comin for HER. When my bestfriend told me this durin one of my HIGHatus' i was dying laughin like who the hell care about Keys but I aint gonna lie, home girl got some punch lines. Heres a lil laugh and female MC Beef all in one. . . enjoy. Caution, the rapper herself, Shy Lady Heroin, will have u #weak never mind how she comes at Keys, govt name and all lol .
Virgin No More
Happy 52nd Birthday to the one and only Madonna. This milf of a woman has surpassed fashion and musical expectations. Personally, she never goes out of style. The world was introduced to her when she dropped her debut album in '83 and ever since then, she has blown up ! Doin it big for all the small town girls like herself, originally from Bay City, Michigan. Even tho shes no longer a virgin in the game, Im pretty sure we'll continue to hear from her whether it be acting dancing producing or kissin other celebs on stage lol . Check out MTV.com for their own article and their top 5 picks of her timeless videos. My favorite isnt featured on there but youtube it for yourself, Madonna Ft Justin Timberlake & Timberland "4 Minutes" .
G.O.O.D Ass Music
Today G.O.O.D Ass Mixtape was released and judging from the feedback on twitter and facebook, its not bad at all. Im currently in the process of listening to it myself but looking at the track list and who's featured, I have a feeling my ears are in for a treat. But do me a favor If you havent already, pls support Kanye and company by taking a listen for yourself.
x. you can download by clicking the mixtape name above or log onto DatPiff .
x. you can download by clicking the mixtape name above or log onto DatPiff .
Quote .
"Love is giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting them not to." -#thingsmyfriendssay
Im sure you all have heard many different relationship/love quotes but this one is officially one of my favorites .
Im sure you all have heard many different relationship/love quotes but this one is officially one of my favorites .
Beef Or Broccoli ?
A few days ago, Jeezy released his own version of BMF and of course hype beast automatically ran with it saying he was comin for Ross. However, the day after a rep from MTV got Jeezy on the phone and spoke about it...basically deading what everyone was saying.
I respect Jeezy on this whole situation because A) he keep it 100, saying what am I gonna get outta hatin on the next man B) He didnt make the situation seem sus, he willingly spoke up about it to MTV.
Now today, I get on twitter and everyone goin off about Ross' new track, oh thats for jeezy. Im not gonna front its a cool song, with some punch lines but like my man @CyroHaze said, Im not taking it as beef until names are mentioned. PERIOD. So stop all the hypin worry about your own shit and enjoy a good song ! Heres Rick Ross' "The Summa's Mine"
"It’s not a diss. First of all, I’m not gonna get nothing out of dissing that guy. That’s one. What am I gonna get out of dissing him? I think sometimes people can read into things too deep. They trippin’ man. They crazy out there. Basically, if homie takes that as a diss, he’s insecure, and anybody else out there who does, they are insecure.
When it comes to that [Black Mafia Family] situation, I’m gonna talk about it a little flyer anyway. I happen to know that situation very well.
Subliminals, for what? What’s understood ain’t gotta be said. I didn’t think people would take the record like that. I did it like I would have any Shawty Lo record, any Rocko record, whoever. I got on [Ross' beat] and did it like how I do it, the best way I know how. I don’t know if because the BMF situation is for real for me that everybody is like, “Ooh. Oh, shot”
Twitter is a muthafucka, by the way" _courtesy of Nah Right
I respect Jeezy on this whole situation because A) he keep it 100, saying what am I gonna get outta hatin on the next man B) He didnt make the situation seem sus, he willingly spoke up about it to MTV.
Now today, I get on twitter and everyone goin off about Ross' new track, oh thats for jeezy. Im not gonna front its a cool song, with some punch lines but like my man @CyroHaze said, Im not taking it as beef until names are mentioned. PERIOD. So stop all the hypin worry about your own shit and enjoy a good song ! Heres Rick Ross' "The Summa's Mine"
M.I.A's no longer M.I.A
I thought we had lost her, glad to have her back...This is M.I.A's newest video "XXXO" There's been a ton of feedback from each end of the spectrum...I say its M.I.A what do you expect? Either you like it or you dont. *shrug*
As tribute to her, heres the first song I ever heard from her back in '05. It was on the Live '06 soundtrack...I immediately fell in love. & A whole 5yrs later....Im STILL listening !
Nail Craze
Earlier today, @Lifezuhbeach tweeted "I need to do something with my nailsssss =\" Not only did I RT this but so did another friend....
After meeting and going to school with three people that liked to do their own nails, I started to get my own ideas. Shortly after, I started going ham on nail polish...I mean literally spending mad money on nail polish and anything else nail related -_- ....as dumb as it may sound to guys and even some girls, doing my own nails helped keep me sane this summer. Nail art is one of my newest creative outlets and while on a blog, I found out me n the few girls I know, are not alone.
WAH Nails is a nail art boutique that was established in London, in '09. & Although they have their very own nail salons, they pay tribute to those who don't necessarily work in one (a salon,) or get paid for their work. They post pics of nail designs that are sent in by readers and some of their own shop work. Theres a design, color, and style for everyone.
pics courtesy of WAH Nails <

WAH Nails is a nail art boutique that was established in London, in '09. & Although they have their very own nail salons, they pay tribute to those who don't necessarily work in one (a salon,) or get paid for their work. They post pics of nail designs that are sent in by readers and some of their own shop work. Theres a design, color, and style for everyone.
pics courtesy of WAH Nails <
Listen Up .
"Listening to the sounds of Jill Scott while high, #goodforthesoul 8-)" @labobbydoll
Artist that are lyrically inclined with soft spoken melodies = good shit to listen to while your high. I was at work high listenin to AOL Radio when Jill came on, so i tweeted about it. If you haven't noticed, I have some Erykah Badu, Lauryn Hill, and Jill Scott on my blog media player. I like to listen to these ladies sober or not, but their voices do work wonders while you're smacked. So to end off my postin rampage for tonight/this morning id like to share this jam with you. Whether you're sober, high, or rolling, this is a feel good song. Not quite the indie feel i mentioned previously but just as good...from the same group that featured on Kid Cudi's Pursuit Of Happiness, another high favorite, Id like to introduce yall to MGMT, Electric Feel, if uve heard it before then kudos to you, my kind of music.
Artist that are lyrically inclined with soft spoken melodies = good shit to listen to while your high. I was at work high listenin to AOL Radio when Jill came on, so i tweeted about it. If you haven't noticed, I have some Erykah Badu, Lauryn Hill, and Jill Scott on my blog media player. I like to listen to these ladies sober or not, but their voices do work wonders while you're smacked. So to end off my postin rampage for tonight/this morning id like to share this jam with you. Whether you're sober, high, or rolling, this is a feel good song. Not quite the indie feel i mentioned previously but just as good...from the same group that featured on Kid Cudi's Pursuit Of Happiness, another high favorite, Id like to introduce yall to MGMT, Electric Feel, if uve heard it before then kudos to you, my kind of music.
The HIGHatus .
Have you ever been so high you had to take a seat ? lol well last night I had to sit my a** on the curb cus I felt too dizzy walkin. Surprisingly, I didn't do a lot of smoking this summer. I personally cant be the person who doesnt get off their a** all day but will have the nerve to make moves jus for some weed. If I havent been productive throughout the day, then Ill pass. Its funny cus in school I had no problem smokin but then again I had a job on campus and went to class so it was kinda like i deserved it.
Today, I was productive while smokin, the first time ever ! You have those people that can write a paper while under the influence but that's definitely not me lol. If Im high, fck everythin else Ima sit back and enjoy my shit...its the American way ! But this afternoon was different, I met up with my best friend before work and rolled up a fat one. As we were walkin & smokin, I realized it was almost time for me to head to work so i suggested that we just clip it, he was with it and even decided to keep me company at work. By time i reached my job i had the only cotton mouth ! Good thing the good ole slushy lady was there, I love her i swear ! I mean this lady got more flavors than you can believe and she has nice sized cups, all at a good price. Later on, during my lunch break, we finished off the clip and headed to mcdonalds, the ultimate #scoobysnack ! When I got back to work, I felt like everything was moving sooooo slow...whenever I was givin a customer the change I counted it over a million times lol #highshit. Idk if Ill ever go to work again smacked but hey im leavin here in 2 more weeks, why not ?!
x. peep the paraphanlia at my job, i got whatever you need, ez widers: double wide, cigarettes, black and milds, bluntville's even dutches and grinders...its a party store FOR REAL !
Today, I was productive while smokin, the first time ever ! You have those people that can write a paper while under the influence but that's definitely not me lol. If Im high, fck everythin else Ima sit back and enjoy my shit...its the American way ! But this afternoon was different, I met up with my best friend before work and rolled up a fat one. As we were walkin & smokin, I realized it was almost time for me to head to work so i suggested that we just clip it, he was with it and even decided to keep me company at work. By time i reached my job i had the only cotton mouth ! Good thing the good ole slushy lady was there, I love her i swear ! I mean this lady got more flavors than you can believe and she has nice sized cups, all at a good price. Later on, during my lunch break, we finished off the clip and headed to mcdonalds, the ultimate #scoobysnack ! When I got back to work, I felt like everything was moving sooooo slow...whenever I was givin a customer the change I counted it over a million times lol #highshit. Idk if Ill ever go to work again smacked but hey im leavin here in 2 more weeks, why not ?!
x. peep the paraphanlia at my job, i got whatever you need, ez widers: double wide, cigarettes, black and milds, bluntville's even dutches and grinders...its a party store FOR REAL !
Taylor Gang .
This summer Ive fallen in love with Chuck Taylor and no, not just because Wiz has his whole Taylor Gang movement but for other reasons. I feel like Converse has pulled out all the stops when it comes to collabin' recently, theyre working with so many new designs, designers, and materials. Their most recent project has been working with the Global Fund to help fight HIV/Aids. So far Ive seen two styles, I was on a blog yesterday and seen this first pair....

Now im the classic chuck kinda girl, gimmie a solid color and Im sold. Even though I may not wear the out there chucks, I still respect Converse for what they're doing. These Parra X Converse (Paint the town)RED high tops arent really my cup of tea, personally...but I will say that I love the khaki color and the clean, thick sole...I think its the cherries having legs that kinda gets me lol.

The second release ive seen from this campaign are these, the Love Pack
I absolutely love the white pair. I instantly recognized the Love logo and it made me think of the sculpture Ive seen in books. Little did I know,that the same guy responsible for the sculptures was responsible for the sneakers, his name is Robert Indiana. As for the other pair, yeah....definitely not a fan of but it be's like that *shrug*
Not For the Weak Hearted
No one ever said it would be easy. What am i talking about ?....Everything ! Im not the heart felt girl who falls in love with anything and everything, in fact I don't like to get mushy or w.e, often. Unlike a lot of girls, I know my limits and what makes me tick or feel a way...Ive seen so many girls play themselves that Im extra secure with my feelings. I rarely expose them because I know once I open the door, they're tumbling out like that junk closet everyone's scared to open. However, recently Ive been told to open up more and to not be that way but I feel like its back firing. When I express myself like Im asked or answer the "whats wrong" question, the conversation ends in the person not being able to handle it or appeasing me...something i hate. Idk, I feel like if you're not going to listen or attempt to understand...be careful what you ask for, I'm venting to you for a reason. Whenever I do vent, its uncensored its unruly and sometimes offending but its never personal thats just raw emotion..I guess getting to know me on a deeper level isnt for the weak hearted. #CAUTION
Theres An App For That
Earlier today I was re-downloading apps for my phone because I reset it the night before for w.e reason. Besides the apps I normally use, I decided to browse through the different categories. Now before I go on, I have a Google/android phone. I personally think a lot of people are sleeping on these types of phones. It doesn't have BBM but neither does the Iphone. I'm #TeamIphone all the way but my android phone keeps me content....but back to my story. Anyways, while I was searching through the app market I found a lot of must-haves so I thought it'd be cool to share some with my readers.
Top Android Market Apps:
x. For all you Bank of America users, the Bank of America Mobile App comes in handy you can find the nearest ATM, (no a** to mouth tho, ) as well as transfer money on the post between your accounts
x. I havent used this app yet but its sure to come in handy, the Blogger Droid app. Its an app that lets you post (pics included,) from your phone.
x. This was a huge surprise, Dat Piff has stepped its game up. They have their own app called DatPiff Mobile. You can do just about everything you would be able to do on the computer except download mixtapes, def a good look.
x. My boyfriend recently mentioned to me how his friend found the Fb Chat app for his iphone, (iphone users shld look into it) so i decided to look for one, and i found it ! FaBook Chat , ive been on it all day today.
x. If you have a tmobile phone like I do, two very handy apps are The Mobile Back Up, syncs contacts to your online account and the My Account, which u can check ur bill balance and such . Oh and the Visual Voicemail , self explanatory
x. I discovered Pandora back when I had my Iphone last summer, I was happy to find it on the android market. Speaking of music Shaazam is great for on the go when u dnt know the name or artist of a song.
x. Places Directory has proven itself to me this whole summer, I found the address and number to every hood food spot I ever looked for .
x.This last one has to be a life saver, its called Wheres My Droid, I know im not the only one that has lost their phone but it was on silent (#buzzkill) This bad boy turns up the volume on your phone so you can find it by you textin your phone from a friends phone saying a keyword or phrase u came up with while u were setting up the app.
Technology has come along way, people are in love with the idea of having so much power at their fingertips. Apps are being developed constantly whether its an Iphone or Android.
Its Movin`
Quiet as its kept, Ive been making moves this summer....one of them being this blog which Ive had for a while and another, was stepping up to be the PR representative for College Love Ent or CLE, as we like to call it, online magazine. Not only is this a great resume builder but it feels good to work with people that are just as hungry as I am, with similar aspirations and goals.When I return to school in two weeks, Ill get the chance to meet the whole team and I will admit, I'm excited. I'm not going to put everything out there, just expect big things from me and CLE this fall....well there's nothing left to say but to check out CLE Magazine for yourself, a site for college students by college students.
Meeting Mom .
Aside from today, I havent posted in a while I kinda went on a lil hiatus this weekend. On Thursday I hit NY for a special someones bday and even met "Mom" while I was at it...scary, I know. I think this was the first time I was ever nervous about meeting some one's family, I think it was because they werent American. I'm not saying that to be funny at all. It's just in our culture so many things are accepted but in other's so many of those things arent.
In late June when I went to visit my bf, I was asked if I wanted to meet "Mom" but then was quickly told "oh never mind, you cant meet her wearing "those" shorts, maybe next time." Like most people, I felt a way, thinking to myself...it is summer time and i am a girl, what does she expect? However, I smartened up and realized I should never give anyone the benefit of the doubt. He knows his mother, he must be saying this for a reason, if it was respect I wanted from her then it was respect I had to give. I didnt want to give her any reason to talk about me when I left. So best believe the next time I came to visit, on Thursday, I did myself a favor, and packed a pair of jeans to switch into before I set foot in her house. Needless to say, we hit it off way better than I thought and I no longer have anything to be nervous about.
The moral of the story is that even though you may not agree with or understand someone's opinions, values, or anything along those lines, at least have the audacity to show some respect. You cant expect anyone to respect your shit if you dont respect yourself first, and them. Actually, now that I think about it, I dont see how anyone couldn't/wouldn't respect other cultures for being so deeply rooted in their beliefs. Its one thing to have strong beliefs and another to be ignorant/close minded. I can honestly say, a lot of America has become lenient and unfortunately, not a lot of people pride themselves with family values and such. I am proud be an American but I do realize we have a lot to revamp in our culture. But all in all, remember, a little respect goes along way.
In late June when I went to visit my bf, I was asked if I wanted to meet "Mom" but then was quickly told "oh never mind, you cant meet her wearing "those" shorts, maybe next time." Like most people, I felt a way, thinking to myself...it is summer time and i am a girl, what does she expect? However, I smartened up and realized I should never give anyone the benefit of the doubt. He knows his mother, he must be saying this for a reason, if it was respect I wanted from her then it was respect I had to give. I didnt want to give her any reason to talk about me when I left. So best believe the next time I came to visit, on Thursday, I did myself a favor, and packed a pair of jeans to switch into before I set foot in her house. Needless to say, we hit it off way better than I thought and I no longer have anything to be nervous about.
The moral of the story is that even though you may not agree with or understand someone's opinions, values, or anything along those lines, at least have the audacity to show some respect. You cant expect anyone to respect your shit if you dont respect yourself first, and them. Actually, now that I think about it, I dont see how anyone couldn't/wouldn't respect other cultures for being so deeply rooted in their beliefs. Its one thing to have strong beliefs and another to be ignorant/close minded. I can honestly say, a lot of America has become lenient and unfortunately, not a lot of people pride themselves with family values and such. I am proud be an American but I do realize we have a lot to revamp in our culture. But all in all, remember, a little respect goes along way.
The Wiz Effect
Here's what went down this Saturday at the free concert in Boston's own City Hall Plaza.
"wooooooah boston is wi yald! i gotta smoke two for that one. thnx guys" @Wiz .
It wouldnt be right if I didnt throw up Wiz's newest video: Never Been . S/O to OnSmash .
"wooooooah boston is wi yald! i gotta smoke two for that one. thnx guys" @Wiz .
It wouldnt be right if I didnt throw up Wiz's newest video: Never Been . S/O to OnSmash .
The Mixtape Era
When Nicki Minaj hit us with the "Which bitch you know made a million off a mixtape?" line in Drake's Up All Night it struck a cord in me. I dont know too many people that DONT keep up with music but for those who dont...album sales are for the industry and their numbers but mixtapes are for the fans and to keep artist relevant. There have been soo many mixtapes out in the past year alone, something for everyone, down to R&B. Just yesterday Wale released his work of art, More About Nothing. Im not an avid Wale listener but his mixtape is hittin and he raps with purpose, something I cant help but to respect. If you haven't heard it yet, take a listen: More About Nothing
Here are a few other mixtapes that are worthy of a download . . . .
Here are a few other mixtapes that are worthy of a download . . . .
- The Champ Is Here Part 3 by Jadakiss
- Fan of a Fan . . a Chris Brown and Tyga collabo.
- Kush & OJ by Wiz Khalifa . . in my opinion not his best but a few hits
- Its Just a Mixtape by Sammy , you'd be surprised .
- There Is No Competition 2 by Fab . . . he started the summer off right .
- Brake Lights by the Game , I havent heard it personally but a friend recommended it and its in heavy rotation according to Dat Piff
Come One Come All .
Im not sure how many hardcore Wiz Khalifa fans there are in Boston or Ryan Leslie ones but you know people, if its free and involves famous people, they're in there. So with that being said there will be a free concert at Boston's own City Hall Plaza on Saturday, August 7th from 3-7pm. Unfortunately, for me, a Wiz and Ryan Leslie fan ill be out of town this upcoming weekend but for those that will be here..enjoy.
Check Out the Event on Facebook
Check Out the Event on Facebook
This Right Here .
If I'm not mistaken this came out in 06, I miss feel good music like this especially during the summer. I mean I'm not a GUNIT fan per say but y'all cant deny Joe's voice mixed with the ruggedness of Lloyd Banks and such. Well I hope you enjoy my first music selection even if it is a throwback .
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