
Stalker Much ?

Apparently there's this new social network thing called Foursquare where you can basically tell everyone where you are BUT instead of just posting a status...you have to actually find the place you are in the listings and "check in". & for those fronters out there...you actually have to be there to check in. Now why am I bringing this up ? Well apparently Facebook is hopping on this trend. First Facebook added the Twitter like feature where u could tag a friend in your status now theyre adding the location part. Pretty soon Fb users will be able to "check in" to places and it will appear in their friends newsfeed. This all sounded decent when I was reading the yahoo article until they mentioned that other people can check you in. So for those of you that be saying youre here but are really elsewhere this could obviously backfire...someone youre with can casually "check you in" saying that youre together but whose to say you wanted people to know. Its all a bit much...fortunately, you can opt out if you change your privacy settings by un-checking enable and switching to disable. Facebook hasnt made this option available to every user yet but it will soon. If you ask me, this a is just another way social networking can be used negatively which is y ive never been a fan of ppl linkin their locations at the end of their tweets (blackberry users) BUT if this is somethin ur into download the foursquare app on ur phone.

For the actual article click here